Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dominance MG Winter Tournament

Just finished watching the footage of the competition. Well done. Some great transitions and finishes for everyone. Rick and Dan have popped their competition cherry and looked primed for more tournaments in the future. Dan going for flying armbars and choking guys from underneath is pretty cool. Competing in white belt can be a mixed bag because over those first 2 years of training you can get some pretty seasoned competitors. And your not sure what your dealing with sometimes until you get your hands on them.Am very proud of the effort and overall the execution of skills from top, guard and standing was excellent. Some basic errors here and there but thats competition. Great to see guys getting in some match practice, developing a game plan and learning from the experience. We are starting to build a good team. I will bring my laptop into training to review each of the matches. Smithy's timing is impeccable as always, beats Dave on points and is off the mat now until his knee recovers. This gives him bragging rights for at least a month. Good thinking 99. Thanks to the Dominance crew for hosting another event.

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