Monday, March 22, 2010

BJJ Competitions

There has been some talk amongst the group about how to approach the competition season after this weekends Vic State Titles. Lots of guys seem to have caught the bug and want to compete more often. There are a few options up our sleeve between now and the Pan Pacs in November. The Champions Cup which we have attended over the past three years moves to a different State Capital each year and this year is in Perth, over two days in mid September. This is a big trip for those willing to make the journey. In the mean time there is a few options in between, primarily Events BJJ in NSW, who are hosting some events between now and the Pan Pacs. Might be worth a look as the event runs on a single Sunday and we can get there and back on a quick turnaround. There is also the AFBJJ Qld State Champs on the 15th May, which is also on a Sunday in around six weeks. If we can gain a consensus I can arrange a team trip to one or two of these events.

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