Thursday, November 27, 2008

Matters Arising

Adrenalin Xmas Break Up
The gym xmas breakup will be on Friday 19th December at 5pm, please put your name down at the front desk so Peter knows how many he has to cater for. Come along, mingle, eat, drink and wind down for the holidays.

HCK Order
Some people have expressed an interest in purchasing more training gear. Another order will be placed via HQ shortly. If you are interested in any gear please write your order on the form I will leave on the desk upstairs. To see the range of products available please visit the HCK website for sizing and prices in $USD.

Chadstone Extreme Xmas Party
As posted previously the Extreme Xmas breakup will be held next Friday 5th December. Those planning to attend need to contact Julie at HQ and pay $40 so catering can be arranged.

Holiday Training Times
Tuesday 23rd December Normal Class 7-8 and Xmas drinks afterward in Mornington. Venue TBA.
Saturday 27th December Open Mat 12pm
Tuesday 30th December Open Mat 7pm
Saturday 3rd January Open Mat 12pm
Tuesday 6th January Normal Classes Resume

Grading Cancelled
Unfortunately due to a number of factors I have decided to cancel the grading at Mornington Extreme on Tuesday 16th December. Classes will run as normal on that evening. Any students wishing to attempt their next grading are welcome to attend the grading to be held at Extreme Chadstone HQ on Wednesday 17th December at 6pm. The club is located at 1st Floor, 680 Warrigal Rd.

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