Tuesday, November 30, 2010

More open guard goodness with Romulo

More open guard goodness with Romulo

Cael Sanderson Interview

Wrestling Videos on Flowrestling

Do me a favour and count how many times he says "everyday in practice" in this interview. Wise words from one of the all time greats, especially after the tournament on the weekend. I named a son after this guy.

Chris Fleager Wrestling Techniques

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Club Update

Best of luck to all the guys who have entered this years Pan Pacs. We have 10 guys representing our club which is very exciting. Get out there and have some fun and let all the hard work you have put in as a group over the last few months finally pay off. There will be no adult or kids classes on this Saturday as result of the Pan Pacs, if you are not competing then please go an support your teammates. After this weekends tournament we will return to our no gi timetable for the rest of summer. Tuesday night will remain a Gi class for both sessions while Thursday will revert to no-gi training as of next week.

Also please be aware of the following dates.....

Sunday 5th December – John Donehue Seminar $60 in Chadstone starting early afternoon.
Saturday 11th December – BJJ Adult Grading @ Chadstone
Adult BJJ classes at Mornington cancelled due to grading
Adults will grade from 11.00am – 1.00pm
There will be a BBQ on afterwards
Friday 17th December – Annual Extreme Christmas Party in Melbourne

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rashies and Shorts have arrived

Competition rashies ($40) and Keiko Raca Shorts ($80) order has arrived. Bring your money to training on Tuesday night to collect your gear. Thanks to Combat Gi for supplying us with the gear.

Some Judo Ippons

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Racecourse Road Closure

It seems Racecourse Rd will be closed for five months at the Bungower Rd end from Monday 8th November. There are plans to widen the road. Please make sure you come to training from the Mornington Tyabb Rd end to get to the Carbine Way round-about as there will be no access from the other side. All further enquiries and complaints can be directed to Nial Macdonagh at the Mornington Peninsula Shire. This is a community service announcement.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

One on one with Shawn Williams

One on one with Shawn Williams

Great interview with some awesome technical insights and training advice. Should keep you busy on a public holiday.Very impressed with this guy.