Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We are on the move....again.

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All hands on deck. On Saturday 27th June at 10am we will move to our new training facility at 3 Archer Drive in Mornington (see map below) literally 2min from where we currently reside. I need as many hands as I can get to move the mat to the new location so we can train at midday as per normal. Adrenalin Gym is renovating upstairs that weekend and the mat will need to be pulled up anyway. It is the perfect time to move now that the new premises is nearing completion this weekend. So please set some time aside and come down and help out. I will review the training timetable over the coming weeks as we will have full time access to the new mat, giving us a chance to expand the number and type of classes from the existing format. The new gym will be a work in progress but over time I hope to get some punching bags, throwing dummies, crash mat and some sort of cage wall for MMA training.

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