Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peaks and Troughs in Training

This is a subject that has seen some attention on various blogs and websites over the years. But I was talking to young Jason after training last nite and could see the initial glow and enthusiasm of training was starting to wear off and was being slowly replaced by the reality of the grind of training. The realization had struck that this grappling business is hard work and perhaps much more difficult than originally anticipated. This is a classic case of the the three months blues, what was once easy to learn with everyone going easy on you, all of a sudden becomes much harder, as your game becomes predictable your forced to solve problems on the fly. This is where many people stop training at this point, having learnt some cool stuff on the ground but its all a bit hard.

I hope that by having the conversation with Jason that it makes it ok to have this concern and that it can be worked through by being persistent with training. It reminds me of a learning model I heard about some years ago where when learning a new skill we move through four distinct phases......

1. Unconsciously Incompetent
You dont know that you dont know

2. Consciously Incompetent
You know that you dont know

3. Consciously Competent
You know that you know

4. Unconsciously Competent
You dont know you know

Like learning to drive a car it moves from sitting in the passenger seat wondering what all the fuss is about, to the shock that its not as easy as it looks, to developing good habits over time and with experience, to finally becoming second nature. I think much of the 3 month blues is realising how much you don't know (consciously incompetent) and deciding to either quit or keep going at this point. The kids got talent so I hope he keeps training.

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