Spoke with Niall today at his final chiropractic adjustment prior to his Hawaiin Ironman qualification race in Taupo, New Zealand on Saturday 1st March (2.4 mi. swim • 112 mi. bike • 26.2 mi. run) Niall told me how training will now taper for the following two weeks in stages prior to the big race. After a couple of massive training weekends, times are on track for the race. I asked Niall how we could follow the event and he mentioned Ironmanlive a website where you can monitor an athletes progress in real time and watch via webcam. Follow the events link to NZ and keep an eye on Niall on the day. He is an amazing athlete who truly epitomises the "will to win is nothing without the will to prepare" slogan as his preparation and self discipline for these races is nothing short of meticulous and executed with true laserbeam focus. Best of luck for the race and we will all be cheering you on from cyberspace to help you achieve your dream. Must say though I am keen to get him back on the mat after the race. Ironmen are such wimps compared to MMA athletes! Well ok he can rest for a few days afterwatd if he really wants.....
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