This is a short documentary by an American judoka who travelled to Japan after WWII to train with a famous Japanese Univeristy team. The teacher is Kimura,a legend of kosen judo, where the emphasis is on ground work and not just throwing, this form of judo is one of the major influences on modern day BJJ. Essentially it was the Japanese who introduced Judo to the Gracie family.
I have also included footage of Helio Gracie fighting Kimura in a challenge match and getting thrown with Kimura's favourite throw an o soto gari (outside leg reap), squashed and his arm snapped (yes, literally) but in true Gracie fashion Helio doesn't tap. There is a photo toward the end of the video after Kimura applies the submission where he is smiling amazed that Helio hasnt tapped and the arm has gone pop. The reverse figure 4 arm lock to this day is known as the Kimura in recognition of this man. Its well worth reading his bio and researching his life story, his competition record is amazing. In recent years both Renzo and Royler Gracie have had trouble with the Kimura armlock in MMA competition and the technique is now sometimes amusingly called the Gracie killer.
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