Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Class Time Change

Please be aware that from next Saturday 7th August classes will start at 10am and finish at midday. Hopefully it will give everyone a chance to train and then enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Friday, July 23, 2010

UFC 117 Preview

SA BJJ Open 12th Sept

Check your diaries for Sunday 12th September as there will be a tournament running at ETSA park in Adelaide that day. There has been some interest in making another team trip this year to a competition. The Champions Cup will be in Perth this year, the very next weekend, over two days and may be too big a commitment. We should be able to get to SA and back with a single night there or just one big day. Let me know if there is enough interest and I will look at flights and accom. I have emailed Greg Toyama and requested entry forms and posters be sent out to us. Cheers.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Best MMA show going around. Jones will be an MMA superstar, mark my words. I think this guy will be the next step in the evolution of MMA as a sport. An athlete with his head on right, background in wrestling, strikes with amazing rhythm and timing and now working on his jiu jitsu. Look out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stephan Kesting on Chokes

Club News Update

Just wanted to say congratulations to those guys who made the effort to attend the first Extreme Club Comp over the weekend. It was especially exciting to see three new white belts go up and compete. The exposure to match practice is an invaluable experience and can really accelerate your learning. From all reports everyone did really well. Its great to see the next generation of guys competing for Mornington Extreme. Bring on the Pan Pacs in November. With a core group of blue belts developing and some new talent on the horizon things are looking up for the development of the club.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Timetable Change End of July

From August please note the change to class times.

Saturday Mornings

10am-11am No Gi Training
11am-12pm MMA

The first day for this new timetable will be Saturday 7th August


Armbar from Guard Breakdown

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Erik Paulson doing his thing.....

Fedor loss breakdown...

Now these two have had way too much caffeine and are a bit too excited about Fedor being triangled, so against my better judgement, I will post this video because I think the breakdown and technical evaluation is a useful lesson in both attacking and defending the triangle. Werdum is well known for being able to attack two things simultaneously, in this case the armbar and choke, without doing both together the effectiveness may have diminished. Also I think its worth noting that Fedor has been knocking people out for ten years (something the Gracie family cant do) before getting caught in a triangle. And secondly I am interested if Werdum can pull this off again in the future if there is a rematch. Finally, when was the last time someone with the last name Gracie actually triangled someone in anger? So my biases aside here is the video...

Hilllary Williams gets her black belt

Four years to black belt as a female in a very male dominated sport. Inspirational. Great Video. For those of you who havent been exposed to gradings in BJJ here is the best description of the journey from white to black belt that I have read.

Marcelino Freitas moves to Australia and explains Worlds absence

Marcelino Freitas moves to Australia and explains Worlds absence